Friday, April 22, 2011

baby in a basket

Random fun fact: Yesterday's post marked my 200th post!  :)  And this month marks 3 years of  blogging.  I love having a little spot to record for posterity and to share a bit of our lives with you, our friends and family.  {tap, tap, tap}  I'm talking to you!  Anybody out there?  :)

I picked up this basket at T*rget about a month ago.  It came with the little chalkboard paint tag on it already, I love that!  So far it's been a hamper, a blanket basket (current use) and now it will double as a photo prop.  My favorite stuff is stuff that can be used lots of ways.  (Wasn't that a profound thought?!  :)  ha!)  But seriously, if it's gonna take up space and collect dust that I have to clean off, it better be a useful dust-collecting-space-taker, right!? 

I thought it would be fun to have a monthly photo "prop" for Millie's 2nd year of life. I started this with our silver chalkboard-painted platter when she was teeny. At 3 months, we packed up and moved...and I still can't find that dern platter! I continued to take monthly photos, but without a prop.

She was so cute posing in the basket. After updating the chalkboard label thingy, I opened up the slider doors to let the sunlight pour in.  Then, I draped the blanket you see in the basket over the back of the sofa for a little make-shift backdrop and plopped my baby in the basket.  The end. :)