Monday, January 7, 2013

photos + a favorite "meal"

Getting ready for a baby means one thing is for organizing projects!  I have compiled so many random scrapbooks and  photo albums over the last 10+ years and what a mess.  I've been thinking that it's high time to get my rear in gear and get re-organized so that this child will at least have a baby book!  I'll share more on my memory keeping plan in another, more detailed post.  But here's where I started.  Pulling Graham's baby pics out of traditional photo albums (taking care to keep the pics in order!) and I'm moving towards all 3-ring photo binder-albums. 

As you can see there are lots of projecs going on close by:  lesson planning, list-making, duplo cake baking, and putting away Christmas decor.  Last week was a week of projects.  It fell into bed every night and yet I felt much more energized and clear-headed with all of thies organizational therapy. Heaven knows, I'll take all the energizing I can at 23 weeks pregnant.  :)

And in other news, here is one of our family's all time favorite "meals" if you'd call it that.  Popcorn, cheddar cheese slices, and apple slices.  It's extra good with a side of hot chocolate.    I'd say we make it a meal or a large snack at least once a week.  And some weeks two or three or four times.  ;)

I'd love to know...what is your family's favorite go-to "meal"?

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