Planning to make this a first-of-the-month tradition.
It is Tuesday, May 1, 2012, 10:45pm EST.
1. LISTENING to nothing but the AC running ('s almost summer.)
2. EATING carrot souffle. Did not time out our dinner meal well tonight. It was going to be a side dish, but I forgot that it takes 1 hour to bake and my people were hungry. So I'm eating it for dessert and promised the kids they could have some for breakfast instead. It's that good. :)
3.DRINKING organic green tea with honey.
4.WEARING an anniversary gift from Dan. A knit top with this print: and a swingy, knee length black skirt. I feel cute today. It's amazing how a shower and matching outfit can do that for me! :)
5.FEELING tired but grateful that I might actually make it to bed before midnight. Also, happy that Dan and his brother are enjoying some time together at the airport before they pick up my in laws from their two weeek trip to the Holy land.
6.PLANNING to get up and finish my Community Bible Study lesson at 6 in the morning.
7.WANTING some Becky Higgins Design A Page protectors that should be restocked this Thursday on Amazon...can't wait cracking on the kids albums.
8.NEEDING to sand and paint the desk I dug out of our neighbor's moving-day trash. I'm going to make it my scrapbooking desk.
9.THINKING about how I go to bed almost every night with a list of "wish I had time to's". Maybe I need to make a list each evening of "glad I did's".
10.ENJOYING the quiet + this little exercise.