Friday, December 9, 2011


God appoints people who do 

disappoint – to point to a God 

who never disappoints.”  

-Ann Voskamp

cotton candy sunset
{taken from the back porch of mom and dad's beach house on Thanksgiving}

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Water Works

tiny tears!
Millie is almost 20 months old.  She want to do everything Bubba and Sissy are doing...which sometimes leads to bumps and bruises...and tears.   I have learned that one of the easiest ways to settle down a fretful, otherwise inconsolable baby is WATER!  :)  I turn on the faucet and she just watches it run over her fingers, wiggles it around and even sometimes tosses a little on momma which she thinks is hyterical!  It has worked with all three of our little people.  I know when I hear "Wa.  Wa!" baby girl is asking for a little water therapy.  :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Morning

If your house is anything like ours, getting myself and three kiddos ready for church Sunday morning can be anything but a holy experience!  And my husband's a pastor for cryin' out loud!

Here's some encouragement:  remember that GOD does not look at the outside (kids messy bed hair or our bad attitudes, mom's clothes pulled out of the laundry because that's all that's remotely clean....I claim all of these today!)  GOD loves us (stinky clothes, bedhead, bad attitude and all!)  :)  Now go dig some clothes out of the hamper and let's get to church.
This is how we feel about going to church with you today, Momma!

And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus.  By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place.  And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.  Hebrews 10:19-25  (NLT)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A report from the front lines

-rescued a climbing toddler from peril (repeat about 100 times)
-repaired Barbie's amputated leg
-attacked mount laundry--vowing never to lose this much groud again. ;)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Headband Holder

Here's a little project that was inexpensive and super easy.

Problem: Headbands everywhere!  :)  They fall on the floor, get chewed on by the dog/baby sister, and the bows get squished up. 

Solution: Homemade headband holder!   

Supplies needed:  empty extra-large oats container, contact paper of your choice, (found this one at Tar-jay) for about 5 bucks-with lots left over to line the bathroom drawers....or maybe some other fun projects to coordinate??)  ruler or eyeballs ;) ,  scissors

Step one: measure (eyeball) and mark on back of contact paper where you want to cut.  Glad for those gridlines on the back that make it easy to get a straight line. 

Step 2: Cut

Step 3: Peel off backing

Step 4:  Stick it on!

Step 5: Put the lid on and put your headbands on it all pretty-like.  

When I finished, Reece cried.  CRIED!  Not happy tears either.  She said she liked it better the other way.  A good lesson that my girl does not mind the aesthetics of things, she can appreciate the function, and so shall I.  :)

I could very faintly see the writing through the contact paper.  You might need to put on another layer if you chose a lighter color of contact paper for this project.

Next up, cleaning out the garage with my dear Daniel.  :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

baby in a basket

Random fun fact: Yesterday's post marked my 200th post!  :)  And this month marks 3 years of  blogging.  I love having a little spot to record for posterity and to share a bit of our lives with you, our friends and family.  {tap, tap, tap}  I'm talking to you!  Anybody out there?  :)

I picked up this basket at T*rget about a month ago.  It came with the little chalkboard paint tag on it already, I love that!  So far it's been a hamper, a blanket basket (current use) and now it will double as a photo prop.  My favorite stuff is stuff that can be used lots of ways.  (Wasn't that a profound thought?!  :)  ha!)  But seriously, if it's gonna take up space and collect dust that I have to clean off, it better be a useful dust-collecting-space-taker, right!? 

I thought it would be fun to have a monthly photo "prop" for Millie's 2nd year of life. I started this with our silver chalkboard-painted platter when she was teeny. At 3 months, we packed up and moved...and I still can't find that dern platter! I continued to take monthly photos, but without a prop.

She was so cute posing in the basket. After updating the chalkboard label thingy, I opened up the slider doors to let the sunlight pour in.  Then, I draped the blanket you see in the basket over the back of the sofa for a little make-shift backdrop and plopped my baby in the basket.  The end. :)